so last friday was the teambuilding session at the Orchid Country Club. technically, it's my first one since i didn't attend the event last year during the day, only going for the dinner at nite.
it wasn't too bad. got to know more people in the company which i normally would not have a chance to interact with since i'm not based with the HQ.
played a couple of rounds of paintball - which was pretty fun except that the paintballs tend to come at you pretty hard. which was exactly why one of my teammates remarked that the game should be renamed painball instead. haha. sustained a bruise on my left shoulder - a result of being shot there while rushing to take the bridge during the 2nd round. other than that, it wasn't too bad - quite fun. although i have to admit, i didn't exactly know what the hell was going on strategy-wise since most of the time, i was helping to supress the enemies on the bridge and tower. luckily my teammates were good and we won both rounds eventually. otherwise, i would never hear the end of it from the guy in the other team in the same lab.. haha
went to the driving range and tried my hand at golf. 2nd time i'm trying it actually - first time was with the unit during NS. hit about 20 balls and my conclusion is that golf is hard! swinging that club to hit the ball even 50 metres is tough. not to mention tiring as well.. my left forearm is still sore from gripping the club. heh.
bowling was the last competitive event of the day. fortunately, have been getting a bit of practice in lately with the guys in the office so didn't end up too malu. turned out to be quite the hero instead. managed to get spares for most of my frames before ending the last game with a spare and a strike, so that managed to push our combined score up. in the end, our team was tops in bowling, so that was pretty cool.. haha
final score: our team was joint second overall. not too bad considering we were 4th out of 6 teams for all the events except for bowling. not that the prize was anything fantastic, but it's a good end to the whole event nonetheless.
it wasn't too bad. got to know more people in the company which i normally would not have a chance to interact with since i'm not based with the HQ.
played a couple of rounds of paintball - which was pretty fun except that the paintballs tend to come at you pretty hard. which was exactly why one of my teammates remarked that the game should be renamed painball instead. haha. sustained a bruise on my left shoulder - a result of being shot there while rushing to take the bridge during the 2nd round. other than that, it wasn't too bad - quite fun. although i have to admit, i didn't exactly know what the hell was going on strategy-wise since most of the time, i was helping to supress the enemies on the bridge and tower. luckily my teammates were good and we won both rounds eventually. otherwise, i would never hear the end of it from the guy in the other team in the same lab.. haha
went to the driving range and tried my hand at golf. 2nd time i'm trying it actually - first time was with the unit during NS. hit about 20 balls and my conclusion is that golf is hard! swinging that club to hit the ball even 50 metres is tough. not to mention tiring as well.. my left forearm is still sore from gripping the club. heh.
bowling was the last competitive event of the day. fortunately, have been getting a bit of practice in lately with the guys in the office so didn't end up too malu. turned out to be quite the hero instead. managed to get spares for most of my frames before ending the last game with a spare and a strike, so that managed to push our combined score up. in the end, our team was tops in bowling, so that was pretty cool.. haha
final score: our team was joint second overall. not too bad considering we were 4th out of 6 teams for all the events except for bowling. not that the prize was anything fantastic, but it's a good end to the whole event nonetheless.
Hey Jeff ! Long time no see man ! THought i pop by your blog and see what you are up to .. Congrats on you getting your SCJP ! haha .. I think my java has rusted beyond any kind of recognition already .. everyday is Dim this Dim that ! *yucks* .. Anyway .. good to know that you are enjoying yourself heh .. pop me a msn some time ya ?
Anonymous, at Thu Aug 03, 11:06:00 AM
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