to 16 years of spectacles! take that!

haha.. feels good man! it's amazing, cut the eye in the morning and by evening time can see pretty clearly liao.. altho things are still a bit blur. i keep thinking i'm wearing contact lenses.. haha
hm.. how to describe the experience? ok.. it's pretty scary at first.. they had to cut a flap in the cornea first, and the surgeon warned that my vision will slowly black out for a while and that i don't need to worry.
so they taped down my lashes and put in clamps to hold the eye lids in place. and she began cutting. they applied anaesthestic drops to the eye so there's no pain, but i can feel the pressure on the eye when she began to cut.
it's just like one of those hospital scenes in the movies. you hear the beeping of some machine in the background. the light gets brighter and brighter and brighter.. and then suddenly, things start to go black. it's like i was dying man. had to really resist the urge to freak out at that point. haha
but things eventually got brighter and i could somewhat see again, altho it's very blur. so the flap has been cut. she pushes it up and part 1 is over.
part 2 is the actual cutting. just keep staring at the flashing red light and don't move your head, the surgeon says. ok.. look at the pretty red light and the laser starts humming. and i dunno why, but the laser gives off this fume which smells strangely like wat you smell at a dentist. so anyway, i thot i felt this dot moving across the eye. no pain, just a very faint sensation as it moves across the eye. the doctor was holding on to my forehead and moving it around slightly, like a seamstress at a sewing machine. very surreal.
so after a minute of this, they put lots of water in and the surgeon pushes the flap back into place, and voila! all done! wait outside for a while for the doc to examine the eye again to make sure the flap stayed in place and off you go.
post-op care is quite a bitch tho. have to put this lubricant eye drops every 15 minutes, and anti-biotic drops every 2 hours until bedtime. doc says to keep the eyes closed for 6 hours for the flap to heal, and the nurse says to leep lubricating it so try not to sleep cos you'll miss the once every 15 min drops. so basically, i have to keep my eyes closed without falling asleep huh? haha.. and you have to wear this protective goggle when you sleep for the first week. in case you rub your eyes when you sleep. so can't sleep on your side cos the goggles are in the way.
people keep asking me how much it costs. well, i asked for a senior consultant to handle my case, so that costs abt 1+K more. all in all, including all the follow-up appts and tests, it shd total up to be around 4.3-4.4k. expensive? ya, it probably is. but you know wat?
it's worth it. and as they say : life's.. looking great!

haha.. feels good man! it's amazing, cut the eye in the morning and by evening time can see pretty clearly liao.. altho things are still a bit blur. i keep thinking i'm wearing contact lenses.. haha
hm.. how to describe the experience? ok.. it's pretty scary at first.. they had to cut a flap in the cornea first, and the surgeon warned that my vision will slowly black out for a while and that i don't need to worry.
so they taped down my lashes and put in clamps to hold the eye lids in place. and she began cutting. they applied anaesthestic drops to the eye so there's no pain, but i can feel the pressure on the eye when she began to cut.
it's just like one of those hospital scenes in the movies. you hear the beeping of some machine in the background. the light gets brighter and brighter and brighter.. and then suddenly, things start to go black. it's like i was dying man. had to really resist the urge to freak out at that point. haha
but things eventually got brighter and i could somewhat see again, altho it's very blur. so the flap has been cut. she pushes it up and part 1 is over.
part 2 is the actual cutting. just keep staring at the flashing red light and don't move your head, the surgeon says. ok.. look at the pretty red light and the laser starts humming. and i dunno why, but the laser gives off this fume which smells strangely like wat you smell at a dentist. so anyway, i thot i felt this dot moving across the eye. no pain, just a very faint sensation as it moves across the eye. the doctor was holding on to my forehead and moving it around slightly, like a seamstress at a sewing machine. very surreal.
so after a minute of this, they put lots of water in and the surgeon pushes the flap back into place, and voila! all done! wait outside for a while for the doc to examine the eye again to make sure the flap stayed in place and off you go.
post-op care is quite a bitch tho. have to put this lubricant eye drops every 15 minutes, and anti-biotic drops every 2 hours until bedtime. doc says to keep the eyes closed for 6 hours for the flap to heal, and the nurse says to leep lubricating it so try not to sleep cos you'll miss the once every 15 min drops. so basically, i have to keep my eyes closed without falling asleep huh? haha.. and you have to wear this protective goggle when you sleep for the first week. in case you rub your eyes when you sleep. so can't sleep on your side cos the goggles are in the way.
people keep asking me how much it costs. well, i asked for a senior consultant to handle my case, so that costs abt 1+K more. all in all, including all the follow-up appts and tests, it shd total up to be around 4.3-4.4k. expensive? ya, it probably is. but you know wat?
it's worth it. and as they say : life's.. looking great!

eee!!! Sounds very scary...
Anonymous, at Tue Sep 19, 11:42:00 PM
wow! now u can see girls in bikini underwater!!!
Anonymous, at Thu Sep 21, 12:24:00 AM
got side effects?
efflt, at Sun Oct 29, 11:32:00 AM
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