alrite, so the GE's upon us and it's gonna be my first time voting.
i can't help but admire the passion of these people helping the political parties.
the kindergarten near my house seems to be the HQ for this district. on Nomination Day, car after car starts pulling into the carpark behind my block and deposits people dressed all in white. when i left for work in the morning, i saw a huge crowd of white - all intending to go with the MP to the nomination grounds. i haven't seen so many white shirts since assembly in secondary school.
and when i come back from work at night, i come out of the mrt station only to be greeted by signboard after signboard on lamp posts promoting the candidates for my area. wait a minute, i don't remember those being there in the morning when i left, that means they must have been placed there during the day after nominations had close at noon. and damn, there were lots of them.
i later heard from mom that she saw people running in and out of the party HQ after nominations had close to gather the publicity material so that they can quickly put up the stuff at the prime locations. amazing.. and these are full grown adults, mind you.
i never knew there were people who are so passionate about politics. me? well, some of my colleagues commented that i was lucky that i get to vote. but i just tell them, i rather not vote at all, i prefer to have some peace and quiet when i'm at home than to have some truck driving by every hour blaring out their party message on loudspeakers.
and besides, the current team has really done a great job with the GRC. i got a new market, the estate's been nicely upgraded, covered walkways, mrt station, good bus links to where i need to go, a nice suburban mall nearby, an adventure park coming up soon, etc.. why do i want to vote for someone who probably won't have the resources to do all these?
not to mention i haven't even seen their shadows, much less any of them in person. plus the fact that they screwed up their papers the last election doesn't inspire much confidence. oh, and don't forget one of them who went to the press making a big woo-hah, complaining about not getting his certificate and oops! it turns out he didn't submit the papers in the first place! and the whiny little biach doesn't even the balls to come out and admit his mistake. highly qualified, yes. but hey, dun forget - even i have a degree from a world-class university, ok? lol.
i can't help but admire the passion of these people helping the political parties.
the kindergarten near my house seems to be the HQ for this district. on Nomination Day, car after car starts pulling into the carpark behind my block and deposits people dressed all in white. when i left for work in the morning, i saw a huge crowd of white - all intending to go with the MP to the nomination grounds. i haven't seen so many white shirts since assembly in secondary school.
and when i come back from work at night, i come out of the mrt station only to be greeted by signboard after signboard on lamp posts promoting the candidates for my area. wait a minute, i don't remember those being there in the morning when i left, that means they must have been placed there during the day after nominations had close at noon. and damn, there were lots of them.
i later heard from mom that she saw people running in and out of the party HQ after nominations had close to gather the publicity material so that they can quickly put up the stuff at the prime locations. amazing.. and these are full grown adults, mind you.
i never knew there were people who are so passionate about politics. me? well, some of my colleagues commented that i was lucky that i get to vote. but i just tell them, i rather not vote at all, i prefer to have some peace and quiet when i'm at home than to have some truck driving by every hour blaring out their party message on loudspeakers.
and besides, the current team has really done a great job with the GRC. i got a new market, the estate's been nicely upgraded, covered walkways, mrt station, good bus links to where i need to go, a nice suburban mall nearby, an adventure park coming up soon, etc.. why do i want to vote for someone who probably won't have the resources to do all these?
not to mention i haven't even seen their shadows, much less any of them in person. plus the fact that they screwed up their papers the last election doesn't inspire much confidence. oh, and don't forget one of them who went to the press making a big woo-hah, complaining about not getting his certificate and oops! it turns out he didn't submit the papers in the first place! and the whiny little biach doesn't even the balls to come out and admit his mistake. highly qualified, yes. but hey, dun forget - even i have a degree from a world-class university, ok? lol.
world class university ? Maybe THAT"S the problem ! Deny everything !!! ha ha ha ha
Anonymous, at Thu May 11, 09:39:00 AM
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