
Saturday, February 04, 2006

confidence & first impressions

i was talking with WK and he was talling me about some of the candidates that he was interviewing. and i've come to realise that there's really a fine line between being confident and over-confident. wat must you do to appear confident? and wat mustn't you do in order not to appear over-confident?

first impressions are never really the best way to judge a person but at the end of the day, job interviews are really all about that, isn't it?

there are some people who can make friends with other people right away. but for me personally, i tend to give people "low points" when i first meet them. and that they have to "earn" points and my approval before my impression of them change. i guess that's the reason why i always treat people that i just met very coldly. some call this kind of behavior as being "high status" while others might call it being snobbish. so am i a snob? i would like to think not of cos.. haha.

but the difference for me between being "high status" and a snob is that the former will give you his approval and accept you as a friend after you have "proven" yourself to him no matter wat your own status is. the latter will give you his approval only after you have proven to him that you are of the same, or even higher status than him socially or financially, ie. in terms of material things. and wat happens if you lose your high status? you will no longer be friends? hm.. i dunno - not an easy thing to define, so i'll let Dictionary.com do the honors:

snob :
  1. One who tends to patronize, rebuff, or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire, or seek association with people regarded as social superiors.
  2. One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect.


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