a dear old friend smsed me today asking how i was - complaining i haven't blogged in a while.. so ok.. i shall oblige because i value all feedback.. haha
let's see... wat's been happening, wat's been happening..
oh yes, there is the little matter of my job switch.. i switched from this...

to this!

yea.. i'm your humble public servant now.. haha..
well, one would have thought that since i crossed over, things would be good.. but sometimes life throws ya a curveball.. anyway, i got this piece of great advice from someone: how you handle yourself when times are tough will shape you more than when times are good.. something to remember and live by during these dark times..
ok.. that's all the update for now.. until the next time someone else complains! hehe..
let's see... wat's been happening, wat's been happening..
oh yes, there is the little matter of my job switch.. i switched from this...

to this!

yea.. i'm your humble public servant now.. haha..
well, one would have thought that since i crossed over, things would be good.. but sometimes life throws ya a curveball.. anyway, i got this piece of great advice from someone: how you handle yourself when times are tough will shape you more than when times are good.. something to remember and live by during these dark times..
ok.. that's all the update for now.. until the next time someone else complains! hehe..
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