it's been a pretty crazy week, a recap..
sundayplayed 2 hours of badminton at safra tampines
monday morning - hit the gym
evening - basketball with the rest of the guys in the office. first time playing against one of them who's like 1.9m tall. damn, it sure was tough.. height advantage is definitely something you can't ignore in a game like this.
tuesdaybadminton with some of the 'uncles' in the office after work.
you know, i thought i was already pretty good in the sport, until i got my ass handed back to me on a silver platter by them. one of them was kind enough to point out my many weaknesses. after playing the game for so long, i tend to play and hit in a certain way that has become 2nd nature. having to make conscious adjustments to my game now is certainly hard. my right arm hasn't ached so much after a game of badminton in a long while. must be all thanks to all the training by my 'coach'.
wednesdaymorning - gym again
evening - so the day which i've been kinda dreading rolls around. ya, it's the day when my friend introduces a couple of his single girl friends to me.
wat can i say? it was.. ok, i guess. a bit awkward at times when everyone's struggling to come up with conversation topics - didn't help that the 2 of them were pretty quiet. it got quite bad to a point when i had to throw out one of those lame pun jokes that my partner told me earlier in the day. and from there on, it just degenerated to the point where we were playing is-this-morning-or-night? and is-this-a-horse? games. sigh.. and you would have thought i was done with those lames jokes and silly games after i left CSS. but wat to do? better than awkward silence mah..
thursdayyou know the election's definitely rolling around when they announce that - gasp! - the MP's coming to your block. on a weekday!
so my parents went to find out exactly what they have up their sleeves.. and guess wat? they've decided to install lifts in our block! but wait a minute.. my block's only 4 stories high! and i live on the 2nd floor somemore! my first thought of course was.. ^%&@! sibeh bo hua!
but thinking of it somemore, i think i'll still vote yes for it lah. thinking of how old my parents are getting, i think having a lift would be rather convenient for them if they lose strength in their legs next time.
and yet again, i am struck by how a few years ago, i wouldn't care two hoots about this since i won't be paying for the upgrading anyway. and now here i am, an adult with the power to vote, having to pay for the lift upgrading through my CPF, grabbing one of those information leaflets hanging on the bus for e-filing my income tax. ah.. the 'joys' of adulthood.
one thing i am slightly annoyed at though. a few years ago, they embarked on this whole estate upgrading programme which tore down the playgrounds, built a small amphitheatre and covered walkways between blocks. why the heck didn't they offer the Lift Upgrading Programme (LUP) then?? after finally getting some peace and quiet after the years of noise from construction, we have to go through it again! i can vaguely remember last time someone asked why we didn't have LUP then, and they gave some stupid excuse. and now election rolls about, they offer it? coincidence? rite....
evening - played another 2 hours of badminton in yishun after work. this makes it like 5 straight days of exercise and sports. can anyone spell overkill?
fridaymorning - was thinking of hitting the gym again, but decided against it after playing badminton till 10 the previous nite.
evening - met up with P to pick up her laptop. she's been having problems with the computer lately and keeps getting BSODs even after getting her frens to reformat it a couple of times. got tired of hearing her whine and complain about it, so offered to reformat it and make sure everything runs properly. some things are better left to the professionals, i guess.. lol.
so anyway, i offered to meet her on the bus on her way home and pick up the laptop on the bus. turns out a few of her friends also happen to be taking the same bus and are quite the busybodies. so she SMSes me in advance to tell me to just walk past and she'll pass me the laptop after they alight. hm.. looks like all the secret agent training does come in useful sometimes.
but things dun always go according to plan, do they? thought i could just get on the bus and sit somewhere away from them until the friends got off the bus. the bus comes along and it turns out to be a single deck. fine.. so i won't be able to hide on a different deck. got on the bus, and it turns out i know all the 3 friends. and wat's worse: they know me as well. ah crap.
so i just pretended it was all a merry coincidence until they started asking me where i was going since the bus we were on won't be taking me home. uh oh.. so just made up some story about going to a friend's house to fix her computer, which wasn't too far from the truth. not too sure if it they bought the story, but oh well, at least i won't be the one putting up with the gossiping..
on the way, the bus suddenly jerked and a little bit later, we heard the bus driver arguing heatedly with one of the passengers who looked Malay or Indian. the bus driver stopped the bus and the passenger tried to hit the driver. looked like things were going out of control when the bus driver challenged the passenger to go to the police station and let them settle it. the passenger angrily got off the bus just before the driver closed the door and the 2 of them shouted vulgarities at each other through the bus door. luckily, nothing else happened and driver got back to driving the bus.
man, wat an episode. never saw that one before. was thinking whether i should go up and try to calm things but i was stuck at the middle of the bus where the exit was, blocked by other people who were standing along the aisle. but it's curious to see how everyone just content to stand there and watch the spectacle - even when it seemed like they were about to come to blows with each other. apathetic singaporeans? guess i'm one of them too lah. even though i was standing at the middle of the bus, i still could have made my way to the front to do something. lucky things didn't get more out of hand than it had. the rest of the bus journey i was rather nervous. afterall, we are at the mercy of one highly agitated guy at that time.
man, wat a packed week. gonna need every minute of the weekend to rest and recharge.