
Monday, July 23, 2007


irony is when...

they tell you that you got promoted to "Software Specialist" the week before...

and this week, you end up tearing up floorboards, moving network cable points and telephone wires - like Phua Chu Kang and his contractors.. this so brings back memories of that Industrial Attachment stint at NYCC all those years back...


Wednesday, July 18, 2007


and the underlying theme for this week certainly seems to be... expectations

as the saying goes.. "Always aim for the moon and even if you don't reach it don't worry, cause then you'll fall among the stars"

the only problem with that saying is.. it still sucks because the fact remains that you missed the bloody moon! ah well..

Thursday, July 05, 2007


couple of things today made me pretty angry.. but it did make me realise something tho..

(1) i believe in certain principles that i hold dear. and when someone violates these principles, i get angry. and so from that, i can conclude that anger may not necessarily be a bad thing - it means that there are certain values that matter to you. therefore, i shouldn't be angry at myself for being angry.

(2) i do however get angry at myself for staying angry, or letting anger get the better of me. if someone does anything to piss me off, why should i let it continue to bug or affect me? it's like once something sets me off, i let it get to me and i go on this trail of destruction.. for example, i can make one bad decision after another. that's really bad and frankly, stupid. it might actually be better to withdraw into a cave and calm down rather than go around feeling half-crazy.

and now for the stuff that really pissed me off today:

- cancelling plans at the last minute. i just hate it when that happens... me - i like schedules and i like plans. i can understand being flexible and things are dynamic and situations can change - i got no problem with that. but don't, don't cancel things with me at the last minute. even if i understand that it can't be helped sometimes, it sure as hell doesn't make me feel better that there is now a huge gaping hole in my nicely laid out plans.

- dumping work on me that is so not in my scope of responsiblity. do i really need to say more? bah humbug..