alrite.. so today marks one full year since i started this job. woohoo! and along with the one year service milestone comes...
- a 10% pay cut. haha.. nah.. it's not wat you think. i now get the option to use 10% of my salary to buy company shares. for every dollar that i put in, the company also chips in 50%. so technically.. i guess i'm taking a 10% pay cut in order to get a 5% pay rise? hm.. oh well, i figured that the company shares will have to take a 33.3% tumble before i actually start to lose my money, so why the hell not?
- an expired security pass. ah.. reliving the fun days one year ago when i had to borrow passes just to go to the loo..
- a new office. and about time too! heard news since a few months back that there's going to be a new lab and we were going to shift into it once it's ready. fast forward 3 months later to today and we're still here. yet another fine example of ruthless efficiency! well, the room is still not ready yet, but we're moving out temporarily to another floor to make space for the other team that's expanding. it means we have to move twice, but i think it's worth it just not to hear the question "so when's the new lab going to be ready ah? are you moving down soon?" wat seems like every day. yes, as you might guess, subtlety is not one of their strong points. haha
- a sore throat. urgh. come to think of it, i've oni taken 1 day of MC so far for that whole vodka incident.. maybe it's gonna be time for a 2nd one soon. hm..
1 year's come and gone. sheesh, how time flies. and u know wat? it may already have been a year since i started work, but i still don't know how to answer that annoying question : "how's work?" so far, the only response i can give is "ok lor." i mean, wat else do u expect me to say rite? official secrets and all that stuff. and not that you'll understand wat i do. heck, even i don't understand wat i'm doing sometimes, lol. ah well.. the search for the perfect comeback to that question continues. hopefully, i'll find it before the next May 30th. haha
- a 10% pay cut. haha.. nah.. it's not wat you think. i now get the option to use 10% of my salary to buy company shares. for every dollar that i put in, the company also chips in 50%. so technically.. i guess i'm taking a 10% pay cut in order to get a 5% pay rise? hm.. oh well, i figured that the company shares will have to take a 33.3% tumble before i actually start to lose my money, so why the hell not?
- an expired security pass. ah.. reliving the fun days one year ago when i had to borrow passes just to go to the loo..
- a new office. and about time too! heard news since a few months back that there's going to be a new lab and we were going to shift into it once it's ready. fast forward 3 months later to today and we're still here. yet another fine example of ruthless efficiency! well, the room is still not ready yet, but we're moving out temporarily to another floor to make space for the other team that's expanding. it means we have to move twice, but i think it's worth it just not to hear the question "so when's the new lab going to be ready ah? are you moving down soon?" wat seems like every day. yes, as you might guess, subtlety is not one of their strong points. haha
- a sore throat. urgh. come to think of it, i've oni taken 1 day of MC so far for that whole vodka incident.. maybe it's gonna be time for a 2nd one soon. hm..
1 year's come and gone. sheesh, how time flies. and u know wat? it may already have been a year since i started work, but i still don't know how to answer that annoying question : "how's work?" so far, the only response i can give is "ok lor." i mean, wat else do u expect me to say rite? official secrets and all that stuff. and not that you'll understand wat i do. heck, even i don't understand wat i'm doing sometimes, lol. ah well.. the search for the perfect comeback to that question continues. hopefully, i'll find it before the next May 30th. haha